Thursday, July 01, 2010

A taxing day

Today I’ve got to do my Income Tax. I’m not sure why – it’s been explained to me, but I didn’t understand. It’s something to do with a deadline for benefits in kind.

Now, I don’t mind income tax; Dad always used to say he wished he had to pay millions. Tax is not a good thing, but it pays for good things. So I don’t mind. Much.

I just hate submitting the claim. I have an accountant friend who fills in the form for me, but he needs loads of information before he can do that. 'How much did you get here? How much did you pay there?' Well… I don’t know. I kept records, somewhere.

Literally, I shake with fear when Income Tax Day comes around. I try to give thanks that I have income to pay tax on. I try to remind myself that this, too, is one of the ‘all things’ that work together for the good of those that love Christ. But I still tremble.

And keep putting it off. An extra long quiet-time today. Done – OK, now what? I know, I really ought to post a blog entry…

Oh, look - blogger won't let me in. It'll take a while to sort this. Oh, dear - just when I wanted to get on with my income tax.

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